Wednesday 9 January 2008

All the sevens again!!

21:30 Ten More Miles
Got a steady ten miles more done on the Giant to pep up the exercise log on the Times. Like this new way of recording exercise - interesting to see that golf is actually a blooming good form of exercise albeit you have to a bit more time at it to get the same return.

8:30 Alcohol Good - zero alcohol bad?

That's what I've just heard on the radio - under 14 units a week is good for you? Now what do I do??

7:00 16 miles done again in just under 1hr 20 - everything ticking over nicely.

5:10 Good Blood Pressure again - 124/77/55


Anonymous said...

I listened to a report some weeks ago on the radio where a doctor who previously worked for the government in the 70's? on a health panel said that there was no scientific basis to the recommended weekly allowance we all use. Everybody is different, some people tolerate alcohol better than others. I would say as with most things moderation is the key. Tomorrow red wine will be good for you, on Friday it will give you cancer, there's a report to justify an act followed by a report condemning it. Eat good quality food, drink in moderation, don't smoke and take regular excercise. That's as much as you can do, the rest is down to genetics and luck.

Paul said...

I think you're probably right. Interesting though, might even try the moderation thing - only problem is that I ain't no good at moderation!!

NOTE: I don't do anonymous comments - too much spam