Monday 18 May 2015

Monday 18th May 2015 to Saturday 23rd May 2015

Monday 18th May 2015
Up early.  Dog walk truncated due to rain. Back home, shaved and what have you.  Papers fetched. 6.15 second dog walk.  Into office for 7.55 Back home, tea. big dog walk. Put a load of dwarf french beans on a mini-wigwam in a tub.  Took the missing dwarf french bean (let's call him Dozy) down to the lotty to finish the mini-wigwam down there off.  Covered it up with a bit of fleece.  Got some more mole-hill soil for me soil store.  Earthed up the emerging potatoes a wee bit.  Back home, bed by 10pm

Tuesday 19th May 2015
Didn't get up until 6.10!!  Have had a bad back for a couple of days so I neurofenned up before bedtime last night and paid the consequences this morning.  Dog walked papers fetched, greenhouse done, no trip to lotty needed so was in office for 8.10am which wasn't bad, all things considered.  Home for 6.15,  Tea, dog walk.  Pottered about.  Sorted out water butt inside greenhouse - plants like warmer water you know.   Found roof bars - think I may need to replace them this year - will ring Halfords tomorrow.. Got Phil to go down lotty and finish off the IBC wooden encasing that was never finished!

Wednesday 20th May 2015
Got up at 5am - back to normal.  Back is still hurting a bit but nothing like on Sunday so that's good. Dog walk, brekko, bit of watering and stuff in greenhouse.  Into work for 8am.  Troublesome day then went to group after, lost an unlikely half pound which I'm pleased with as it was unearned. Didn't do a great deal in the evening but got the roof bars sorted for the car with some brute force adjustments and  cunning guile. So that's a big worry off my mind and the buggers are fitted better than previous years for sure!  Watched an episode of elementary that was really good as always.  Bed about 11pm after watching some Phil tat called Great Big Swords (really).

Thursday 21st May 2015
Up at 5.20m, bit late.   Dog walked, papers fetched.  Opened up greenhouse (only watering at night now as my book advises! Into office for 7.55.  All good stuff. Got home. Tea. Dog Walk. Roof box on. Sorting stuff out to go on hols. Tinkering in greenhouse working out what else can come out so the lad don't need to water it.  Going to be busy tomorrow and first thing Saturday and that's for sure!

Friday 22nd May 2015
Up at 5.10, dog walked slowly, back home for 6.15am. Brekko then off to the lotty to have a look at plot number 7 which is three up from my current plot.  It don't look too bad so have made enquiries about what rent might be for it as we're a bit late for getting most things going.  As it's got no fence I'm thinking I can bang loads of spuds in and put in a fence come Autumn or put in a mini fence with the chicken wire I've still got left to protect some stuff perhaps. We'll see.  Into the office for 8.15am

Saturday 23rd May 2015
Car loaded up.  Did a couple of hours down the lotty.  Off to Wales - six hour trip.  Never mind got there and relax!

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