Friday 21 December 2007

Friday and feeling forty!

Coming out the other side of the cold now. Did 6 miles this morning which would have been more but had loads to do. Have been rehearsing with David and Alan at work and today was our big gig! We had a p.a. system in and had a blast with 170 people in what was effectively a captive audience. Ha Ha the best sort. John and Sean compered the whole thing as smashie and nicey off the Harry Enfield show and it all went down a storm. Set list was Johnny B Goode, Caroline by the mighty Quo!, 500 Miles, our piece de resistance 'Come up and See me' with additional backing vox and moves from Lisa, Liz, Sharon and Rebecca who did a stunning job bless em - stars of the show.

However, there was also a birthday presentation for yours truly that involved video footage of me, David, Alan and Tony doing the full monty at a Slimming World Woman of the Year show about eight years ago or something like. Embarassment isn't exactly the right word it's more extreme than that but at least balanced a bit in the fact that it was a different me in a different time who was quite a bit bigger!!

Anyway no-one died in the process so everything's alright!

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