Monday 3 December 2007

Come hell or high water...

Got just about zero exercise (although a little bit of Xmas shopping done so not a total waste) done yesterday. 60 press-ups in afternoon but naff-all else. So come hell or high water this morning I was going out running in the rain. Got biggest one yet done this morning, damn near nine miles at a respectable (for me) 5.6mph, one hour 35 minutes. I reckon in order to get a ten miler in (which is the goal by 31/12/2007 and impending 40ness) I've got to get up at a quarter to five and be on the road at no later than 5:10am to do it. I also reckon I'll have done it by the end of this week, so there you go!

From there on in it's only three and bit miles more to have got to half marathon distance which will be next spring's goal. Who knows, maybe a full marathon is within twelve months of progress.

Gym - everything on the up and up!!

Got to the gym after work and put in a well-good performance! Even though I'd been walking round on dead legs most of the day I thought "sod it" let's get a gym sesh in, so that's what I did. Did 25 mins at 10.5kmh on the treadmill for a total of just over 4.5km and on the rower I just went like a bloomin train - did the old 2000 metre challenge for old times sake (and as I'd done an extra five minutes on the treadmill) in 7:54:07!!! Considering a few weeks ago I was happy if I broke 9 minutes I reckon that's some improvement!! And pounding along for an extra five minutes at 10.5 when I was struggling at 9.2 not long ago is real progress. Well pleased.

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