What's cool about Amsterdam and Bruges for that matter is that everyone rides a bike - there's a multistorey bike park in Amsterdam for heaven's sake! This must have an impact on the health of the dutch and belgian people (am going to look at the stats that the media are always quoting I reckon). Another thing I found intersting from a biking perspective is that while I must have seen thousands on bikes there, I saw exactly one person wearing a helmet. They don't even seem to wear them on moped scooters??? Wierd eh? but then, these are the folks that legalised the sale of cannabis in the bars, mind!!!
It was a right old pain getting back to Rotterdam because of sheer level of traffic into the port. But when got back I made use of the Gym facilities on the Oriana. They got a gym that's kind of as good as the one we have at work - in some ways better, in some ways worse - the running machines they got have sky tv on them which is great and a real computerised display rather than LCD but they don't have the space for as many weights machines as we have. I also found out that the settings and measurements I'm recording in the gym are actually kilometers rather than miles as Frank Kinlan has pointed out in a comment on a previous post (link to Frank's site)
Anyway spent damn near an hour in the gym which was great (listended to the entire Black Parade album by My Chemical Romance apart from the hidden track).
They do this apparently when cruise ships come into port - we weren't even on fire.
This pic is of a multi-level cycle park! They mighty keen on cycling in Amsterdam.
My impersonation of our Financial Director, "uncanny" folks who know him would say. Think it's the hat that makes it. Our performance got a round of applause from nearby Dutch builders, that's how good it was!
Windmill in Rotterdam
Coming into the port
One of the many herons you see in Amsterdam - very tame they seem to be.
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