Golfing, Fishing, Kayaking, Food Optimising, Running, Biking, Rocking in the free world ...
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Blimey it's all go.
Only got half an hour today so no time for gym, still, presentation training done.
Saw an interesting article on the BBC about parking bikes now bikes are becoming more popular.
One of the reader's comments on it sounds a brilliant idea I can't help thinking:
On a recent trip to Santa Monica, California, I noticed that many of the buses had bike racks on the front that you could strap your bike to. Great idea and encourages cyclists to take their bikes both locally and on long journeys.Paul Betteridge, Poole, Dorset
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Wet Wednesday
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Get in, won Saturday's social golf comp
Not to worry, been chucking it down in night so going for a run rather than out on bike (the FCR1 don't go out in rain!).
Monday, 28 July 2008
Monday bedlam
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Spin in the sun...
Looking down hill towards Newhaven on the Buxton road.
The only way to stop a Giant FCR1 from floating away is to clamp it to a car...
Looking out over Derbyshire from Buxton Road somewhere near Biggin turn-off.
Looking over Tissington Trail towards Biggin.
The Edge hasn't been working for the past week so the notes below are what I did typed into Excel! Just for the record dontcha know!
Got up 7:00am'ish, was glossing and putting curtain rails and lamp shades and borders and lord knows what until lunchtime then went for a spin on the lovely Giant FCR1, computers says 20.68 miles but the Edge was playing up again so not sure what the mileage was. Plenty of hills and stuff so a good sort of a workout. I got it uploading again as well had to do a hard reset on the Garmin edge which you do by holding mode when powering it up, it then says do you want to delete all your data which is a stupid question, not really was the answer I'd have given it but then I wouldn't be able to upload would I?
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Saturday and summer's here, is it time? for more beer
Golf at lunch time and it's roasting hot already, first time out for the shorts i reckon. Got to find some white socks now - dress code and all that nonsense.
Golfin - played a social comp off yellow tees this afternoon in the boiling sun, it was grand, got 41 stableford points, shot a total of 81 strokes. Which went
1st hole, par 4, took 5 for bogey.
2nd hole, par 5, took 5 for par
3rd hole, par 3, took 5! for double bogey and no points off my handicap of 15
4th hole, par 4, took 4 for par
5th hole, par 4, took 3 for birdie
6th hole, par 3 took 3 for par
7th hole, par 4 took 5 for bogie
8th hole, par 5 took 6 for bogie
9th hole, par 3 took 4 for bogie
10th hole, par 4 took 4 for par
11th hole, par 4, took 4 for par
12th hole, par 4, took 5 for bogies
13th hole, par 4, took 4 for par
14th hole, par 3, took 3 for par
15th hole, par 5, took 5 for par
16th hole, par 3, took 5 for double bogey
17th hole, par 5, took 6 for bogey
18th hole, par 4, took 6 for double bogey.
In general it was some of the best golf I've played mixed up with some of the worst. Made a couple of bad decisions took too much club on 14th and 16th for example and sort of lost it on the last three holes, don;t know if that was tiredness? Hit some massive drives, some great irons and a few really good putts, in fact a lot of really good putts, got the line wrong a few times but hit the putts on that line. Enjoyed it. Like playing in Spain it was this afternoon.
Friday, 25 July 2008
New legs please.
Very acceptable to put just a half pound on given alcohol intake last weekend. Weight currently stands at 14st 10lbs which is about the same as it was at Margaret's last August so not end of the world! Going to cut back a little bit on the beer this weekend. Have been at gym every day this week which is something I've never done before so am pleased with meself on that, did the circuit thing again notching up everything a little bit, think I've got the leg press thing a bit light but will get that right in time. Wouldn't be out of the question to have put on half a pound of muscle in that week as well - I might ask Kelly for another body composition test to see if there's been a change.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
In the gym have been doing the Super Circuit Challenge at beginner level (otherwise I'd be stuck down there for hours!!)- it involves:
5 mins on bike
5 mins on rower (1200m)
5 mins on tread mill
2 x 10 ab curls
2 x 10 leg presses (killing my thighs after two days of it)
2 x 10 vertical bench presses
I've added bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, some pressups and side turn thingies (from Wii Fit mullarkey) to make it a bit longer but that fits my lunch break pretty well.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Wednesday, everything ticking over sort of.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Wii Fit Age 33!!!
Monday, 21 July 2008
Sunny Monday - Start all over again
So am starting all over again from this morning. Ran five miles with a difference. Didn't take the edge to time me so I ran in a more relaxed state, I reckon the time would have been 46/47 minutes but it didn't matter so much this morning it was getting my head back in the right place and I'm happy with things again.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Point of no return
Hurried to golf and played sort of okay. Finished five shots above my handicap but it was blowing a gale and I dropped five shots finishing with a nine on the fifth hole so it's not too bad in many ways. I was at the point of ripping my score-card up there and then on the fifth, but didn't and I went par, par, par for the next three holes - funny old game, ended up with seven pars a good number of bogeys, doubles and that one quintuplet bogey (not sure if that's correct terminology for being five over on one hole).
Friday, 18 July 2008
Drop Dead Legs
Running record for the week - 10 slow miles and there's forty odd miles of cycling somewhere too.
Only weighed-in at group today, didn't hang about, managed to maintain which was more than acceptable. Weight with me clunky shoes on was 14st 9lbs which is okay. Would like to lose a couple more pounds but that's okay. Will do graph on Monday.
Did another forty minute session in the gym at lunchtime, same routine - 4000m in a smidge under 18 minutes on the rower, 3 x 10 reps of vertical bench press, 3 x 10 reps of seated mid-ro, 3 x 10 reps of triceps pushdown and 3 x 10 reps of biceps curl. Did 10/11 on the vbp and smr machines and did 8/9 on biceps/triceps machine. Okay.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Keep on runnin'
Some of the things they said rang true , Michele said something along the lines of having a time when she expected to wake up and find out she'd put all the weight back on again. I'm still half expecting that – I wonder when true faith begins?
Slimming World's Mr & Mrs 2008 Winners - Andy and Michele Smith.
Andy and Michele Smith - before joining Slimming World.
First thing
Five miles run in 47:30 slowly, slowly catchee monkey... But it's running again and it was too wet to take the FCR1 out.
27 mins on wii fit last night too. It's good but is making me abs hurt!!
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Wii Fitness of a 38 year old!!
Did another lunchtime gym session: 14st 9lbs on gym scales with me trainers on.
4000 meters on rower at setting for 17mins 30.5secs
3 x 10reps @ level 10 on vertical bench press
3 x 10reps @ level 10 on seated mid row
4 x 10 reps @ level 8 on triceps push down
4 x 10 reps @ level 8 on biceps curl.
All went well, am thinking about upping to level 9 on triceps/biceps machine, deffo for triceps. Think this combined with me new 20 minutes a day on the WiiFit should work up into some good upper body strengthening.
Went at pretty nippy pace on the FCR1 this morning, just under 13 miles at an average of 15.1mph, fairly flat though so perhaps ought to have done better. Did two laps through Okeover Park, through tiny village of Mappleton, then up that killer hill past the cycle hire place then down through Ashbourne - you can see on the Motionbased chart the two spikes that are that hill.
Had a go on the Wii Fit that I got for the kids (really?) for first time last night. Only did twenty minutes on it but I was kind of impressed in that it raised a sweat from me and some of the exercises showed a real lack of fitness / balance which was interesting. Any way based on how well you do it gives you a Wii Fitness age and mine is ... wait for it... 38 I was expecting something better really but not the end of the world. It says I'm overweight with a BMI of 26 point something or other which I knew but not bothered about that as I'm always going to struggle to get a healthy BMI as I like to think I'm very big in the chest area. Anyway waist is still 34" and that's important to me.
The good thing that came out of the Wii Fit is that my weight without big clunky shoes and work clothes is 14st 7lbs which is my unofficial target weight!! So not all bad.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Tuesdays, pah, bad traffic day more like...
Did a good fourteen miles plus this morning, the Garmin Edge kept tripping out for some reason so it's not all recorded but it was a darned good hill climbing sort of a route so it got the ticker going good and proper. Went up Belper Road to almost Hulland Ward, then down to Carsington, over the hills on the Wirksworth Road, down through Kniveton then down Windmill Lane, onto Buxton Hill, picked up newspapers, back home for about 7:00, about an hour and ten minutes all told.
Monday, 14 July 2008
Busy busy busy ...
First thing: cycled 13 miles on FCR1, steady average of 14mph which sounds rubbish but there was loads of uphill, also worth notinhg I'm now much slower and more careful coming down hills and it's always a bit slow going through Ashbourne, especially when there's a Peak Waste Recycling Truck blocking the road at the back of the Green Man. So that's leg exercise done, might be running again tomorrow.
Did gym at lunchtime;
4000m on concept 2 rower at level 10 took 18min 20secs
3 x 10 at level 10 on vertical bench press.
3 x10 at level 10 on seated mid-row
3 x 10 at level 8 biceps curl
3 x 10 at level 8 triceps push downs
Didn't do anything else, just rower for general fitness and machines for upper body muscle toning sort of stuff. If it's good enough for Tiger Woods and Lee Westwood to muscle up a bit it's good enough for me!
A late interview then back home for more decorating then a feast for tea: bacon / morrisons low fat sausage in my own wholemeal/white bread followed by strawberries in strawberry mullerlite for dessert. Grand
Just time for a journal update then off to bed ....
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Decorating, decorating, decorating, decorating....
Naff all exercise for second Sunday running. Did about five miles on the FCR1 over to a friend's who I do some work for his Website. He sells classic English shotguns and his website is at:
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Wahey Saturday, simply STELLAr
Golf was funny, hit some of my biggest drives ever on 10th and 15th but couldn't score at all, hit a few shanks, hit a couple of really stunning three woods and one or two good putts but generally was bloomin rubbish. Hey ho.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Funny sort of a day already... Pound off...
Went to group, weigh 14st 9lbs, a pound off so am moderately happy with that. Haven't done enough exercise this week by a long chalk. Only 20 miles run and the tired legs thing hacked me off a bit so am resting em a bit. Done less than 20 miles on bikes I think too although I've decided to ramp up cycling mileage a bit so I don't wear my legs out!
I got my plan at work sorted out too and installed the software upgrade as so the advanced planning was useful in a way as having done it once on test server meant I was able to replicate it on the live server - it was all in place well before 9am so all's well that ends well.
First Thing
Weigh-in at 12:30 confidence is not overly high but won't have put much on. Am hoping to have a few tasty Stellas tonight although I did Liz one of my farmhouse loaf jobbos yesterday and she's brought me some Italian lager this morning so it might be them instead!!!
Thursday, 10 July 2008
These legs have had it...
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Tired legs, diminishing returns and all that...
Interesting article in papers today and it's exactly what Slimming World recommends in the first few weeks of a weight loss campaign.:
‘Keeping a food diary ‘will help you slim’
Keeping a food diary is a powerful tool in helping dieters lose weight, scientists said yesterday.
Those who compiled a detailed account of what they ate and drank and the calories it contained lost about twice as much weight as those who did not, they found. The six-month study involved 1,685 middle-aged men and women from four U.S. cities – Portland, Oregon; Baltimore, Maryland; Durham, North Carolina and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
The difference with a Slimming World food diary is that it focuses you on aiming for free foods and healthy options rather than calorie counting. Interestingly (sort of), I started blogging for another aspect of why Slimming World works – the weekly weighin – I publish mine and I reckon if I didn’t I’d take my eye off the ball and start gaining big-style. A few weeks ago when I was having a moan about not losing weight and Margaret said “Don’t let it slip” - not many words but enough of a message to make me stop moaning and get going again!
Not sure what weight's going to be this week. Not really trying hard enough and the re-acquaintance with Stella is sure to have a negative effect. Will see what happens Friday, only had three and half pints Saturday, not touched a drop since how much damage can there be???
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Filling a hole
7am was putting more filler into various holes that have become apparent in Lucy's bedroom after removing the wall paper over the last couple of days. It's going to be a gradual job building it up. Am hoping to get backing paper on and the room painted by the weekend as it's Lucy's birthday on Sunday. Can't beat a good deadline can you!
Monday, 7 July 2008
Back in the groove
Didn't get a big run done at the weekend as was stripping the wallpaper off Lucy's bedroom and anyway the weather was attrocius.
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Show me the way to go home, 104 days, now start again
Golf yesterday was extremely average but as I'm not playing as much as I used to this is probably to be expected. As it was, I parred 2nd,5th,6th,8th and 9th on the front and 10th,12th,14th,16th on the back nine so it was sort of every other hole I was playing badly or every other hole I was playing well depending on whether you see your glass as being half full or half empty! A few positives to take away from it - was absoloutely nailing the driver, got a Tsylor Made R7 425cc beauty off Ebay for under £50 a few months back and it's simply the best driver I've ever had. I hit some good irons too, one or too good putts as well but a lot of rubbish putts along the way cost me. All good stuff really.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Raining? - must be the weekend then
Haven't updated the chart but I'd put 2.5lbs on yesterday at group yesterday. Slightly disappointed but I don't feel like I did anything greatly wrong last week so am expecting a big loss next week.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Torn on the fourth of July...
8:32 minute miles this morning. 35 miles overall since Sunday
Whaddya do?
Disaster this morning I thought last night when was loading up the Breadmaker that the pan was losing a bit of water. This morning my suspicions are confirmed as from pics below you can see what bread with nowt (except water) taken out looks like and below that what a breadmaker with an oil leak looks like.
Am torn between trying to get a new pan for it and getting a big kick-ass Panasonic Breadmaker? We'll see, off for run now. Expecting a gain this week, not done much wrong but that's the way it goes. Am on the beer as well tonight probably.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
V tired legs
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
100 days alcohol ware, ceasefire a prospect??
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Recipe :
280ml water
420g strong white flour
80g wholemeal flour
1½ tbsp milk powder
1½ tsp salt
1½ tsp granulated sugar
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp yeast
Put them into machine in that order and make sure yeast is last and dry especially if you're running it on a delayed start.
Made the bread on setting two (1.5lb white) on Morphy Richards 48220 bread maker. Was so impressed that I did the recipe a second time and got the same results a second time, that's a first! Well pleased.
The basic recipe comes from a pdf I found on the next title Crabble Corn Mill so will try and find some details out on my source at some time. The key difference in results is that this recipe has far less water than the ones in the Morphy Richards book, near as damnit 20% less water in fact to the same amount of flour. I might modify the recipes in the book a wee bit and see if that's the governing factor.
Daily run
Ran this morning's five miles in a smidge under 42mins. Not bad at all.