Daniel's definitely a chip off the old block (and for the first time they'd played together they all did real good - one of the Guns'n'Roses tracks was spot on, bless em).
I butchered a ZZ Top and a Cult tune before I realised that the wrists 'couldnae tekkit captain', so made my excuses and left the stage. Not so much like riding a bike as riding a unicycle blindfolded and shoelaces tied together sort of thing in hindsight!
JB's missus Sue and mum Beryl had gone to town with the catering to the extent that Jon wasn't letting people out of the door at the end of the night unless they took food out with them! Top man.
JB with youngest son.
JB with all the clan with exception of the youngest on previous pic.
Paul and the bride about to go out tonight...
Paul at JBs do (John H in the background still not over losing at golf earlier in the day!!)
Janette and Maureen H (obviously pleased!)
Picture Derek H gave us of me playing with the Lix last Xmas at the Welli, Ashbourne
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