Does this blog get more exciting by the day or what - an update on potholes -thrilling eh!!!
Anyway, went past the place where I came off the bike and the good news is that at least they've filled the hole up with a bit of tarmac. It also looks like they've marked off the area for a proper fix which is more promising still. What irks me somewhat is that neither the police nor local authority have been in touch. Customer service evidentally isn't one of their strong suits.
temporary fix - nice bit of tarmac that, squire!!
Marked off for a proper fix at some point - road is falling away towards the edge...
Go Karting
Had a bit of a session with new camera while Phil was whizzing round on go-kart. Have a load of video that I want to put together somehow, there's a really short clip of Phil doing a powerslide at the bottom of this post. Also could see Minninglow from cousin Col's field. Very mystic...
P J and Grandad Phil get kart going after some shananigans
Minninglow as seen from Col's field.
Walked 3 miles again (done this for last few days, better than nowt).
b.p. 132/88/57 - lil bit better
Short video clip of P.J. doing a powerslide on his go kart.
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