First thing, did a 7 miler on the FCR1 this morning to fetch newspapers, averaged 15.2 which was ok, very cold, must remember gloves next time. Sorted a load of clothes out, put summer stuff away, going up in attic later to get some winter hats and scarves down. What a horrible time of year eh!
Been and done recycling run - plastic bottles, cans, newspaper, old clothes - you can take most anything these days. Done hoovering, busier I am the less time I have to go near biscuit barrels etc. etc. Golf at 12:20, fish and chips tea. You gotta love Saturdays.
Golf - steady stuff, did 41 for front nine and a 43 for back nine. Putted well, chipped ok, a shank on first and a silly drive on fifteenth resulted in a solitary double-bogey in an okay sort of a round.
Friday 17th Oct
Got up late again (05:50), however, determined to get self sorted out so forced mesen to run five miles which was ok - pace was 9:40 per mile or 6.2mph which was not too bad. My legs feel tired all the time which I'm taking as a sign the the body is using fat reserves rather than me being far less fitter than I was at the start of the year.
Lost a pound and a half at the group that I count as being the 'real' published group. Was 15st 4.5 last week and this week it's 15st 3lb which is still terrible considering where I was but considering the volume of lager I had last week I should be looking at it as a minor triumph! Going to be better this weekend and get it closer to 15st 1.5lbs next week and then into the 14s the following week. It's well doable if I just keep myself in order.
Thursday 16th Oct
Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. Couldn't get out of bed, didn't get on road til twenty five past six, only a poxy three miles at 9:59 again (sure sign am getting old). Reet Grumpy. No gym yesterday, mega busy still but am definitely going today, think I'm making subconscious excuses not to do gym which is stupid as I quite like it when I get there. Current mood: grumpy but positivish.
Got into gym did 25 mins on rower and a load of weights and some ab crunches too which I need to add to my routine.
Wednesday 15th Oct
A steadier five miler this morning. Pace of 9:59 right on the wire but a run's a run and at least didn't feel sick on this one. No gym today as mega busy.
Weigh in at Nic's group, half a pound off at nics, stick with it and that should be a pound come Janet's group on Friday.
Tuesday 14th Oct
Did a five mile run this morning, pace not too shabby at 9:31 but felt sick as a dog after four and a half miles, don't know why. Didn't sleep particularly well after some problems at work yesterday so maybe that had something to do with it. Good news is that the knee now feels A1 and wasn't protecting it at all during this mornings run and it felt a better run for it.
Gym wasn't as good as usual - did some running on the treadmill and a load of weights but couldn't get on the rower due to someone else hogging it. N'er mind.
Monday 13th Oct
Did a slow nine miles on the FCR1 this morning, pitch black and pace right down as you might expect. 5 minute miles is v slow but you gotta be able to spot those potholes and what have. Weekend alcohol intake has been very poor, am going to have an alcohol free weekend this weekend coming 18th/19th and see how we go the following weekend.
Did 6,500m on the rower in 30 mins and some weights in gym. Quate pleased witht that.
Had a good food optimising sort of a day too (which I can't say same for weekend). Consultant Janet has been giving me some grief to get my head together so that will probably help!
Did fifteen or so miles yersterday on the FCR1 was going to run but thought it was too nice for running - according to the Edge average speed was 15.4mph which was nice. Some daft old bint stepped out in front of me at Rowsley which added to the excitement somewhat and gave the brakes a good testing.
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