Tell you what's good though - before I started food optimising the last jacket I bought was a dinner jacket from a special shop for big blokes (can't remember the name - will ask Janette, was in the Spot in Derby), anyway, I digress, the point is that jacket was a 50" chest, this one is a 42" chest and it'll fit - the dinner jacket I wore at the Slimming World do in June (see 16-06-2007 Slimming World Summer Ball 2007 )was a 42" and I've lost more weight since then. If Janette's still speaking to me when she finds out about the Garmin and this jacket I'll get her to take a picture of me in it when it comes - you'll see! Not only that - in October last year in Mallorca I had a pair of 42" black Jean I wore on a couple of days, on Saturday I was wearing 32" waist golfing trousers, and not only that, used to have 18.5 or 19 shirts, today was wearing a 16 at work - all good stuff, thank you very much Simming World.
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