Tuesday 17th January 2012
Got up early and got out on the road not long after 6am. Did five miles and back for just before 7. Thought it felt a bit better but still only averaging 10:45 miles. It'll get better though. First night of alcohol free nights this week last night so that's one out the way! Also did a 2 mile walk round last night as well looking at the stars before watching the rather good Stargazing Live which had the last chap to walk on the moon on it and such a nice bloke he was too.
Monday 16th January 2012
Watched the excellent Sherlock til 10:30 so not up bright and breezy decided I walk up town and back after doing the big run yesterday. Didn't explain the two section approach to the run - I tried to split it into two halves so could stop and have a drink halfway - 500ml of finest lucozade sport to be precise. Getting old I am, you know!
Sunday 15th January 2012
Got up pretty early (mind you went to bed about 8pm as well). Damned Watch crashed and was stuck at 6:40 so had to go run without Garmin assistance so had to manually map out how far I'd gone. The intention was to do 12 miles but I was having to guesstimate and ended up coming a little under three quarters of a mile short having done 6.51 miles in part two of the run and 4.78 miles in part 1 of the run. I had a two section strategy in mind from the off - with home being the start/end point in both case I did the first five mile'ish run around town so it was street-lit not that it was really needed as it was well frostily moonlit this morning. Then did the nice run round Mappleton in early sunlight - was unbelievably cold but that's what it should be this time of year. No idea of pace - still rubbish so if was to put money on it I'd say I was averaging 11 minute miles which as keep saying is okay at my age and weight!
Part 2 summary and map the nice countryside bit:
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