Roundup of Week gone byAs Eric Morecambe would say - 'Rubbish'. Didn't run nearly enough. Golf was tat. England lost to the ozzies at Rugby due more to stupid mistakes than poor performance. The Australians were being made out to be one of the great Australian sides but they're nothing special. There's no Campeze in that fifteen and that's for sure. England have got some great talent bubbling in there and give 12 months of Johnson moulding them and they'll stuff the Ozzies. What they can't do next time is give away penalty after kickable penalty, that's unforgiveable at that level.
Anyway, Derby won.
Saturday 15th NovWent to bed at 8:30 last night as have been feeling knackered all week. Got up at 5:30 feeling okay, catching up now on work that was missed yesterday due to Children in Need. No Problem. Going to fetch papers on the FCR1 this morning if it's dry or a little bit of a run if it's not.
Golf - we got thrashed today - shook hands on the 14th - but in fairness both John and meself struggled today and the pair we played Ray and Stuart both hit it a long, long way off 15 and 18 handicaps and it nailed it down with rain. Awful golf but England vs Australia on the rugby which should be juicy.
Friday 14th Nov
Friday was Children in Need fund raising at SW so was drafted in to be a slave for a couple of hours. Meant missing group which this week is not a bad thing cause am sure to have put on although alcohol consumption for last week was near as damnit non-existant. Ended up cleaning I think 11 or so cars for the web team and then working for the Field Admin team in the afternoon making drinks and doing some programming work (can't beat a blast from the past, what!) for them. Good stuff - think we raised getting on for a grand overall at Head Office, although I may well be wrong - update on monday with added accuracy I should think.
Bit better this morning got out of bed for 5:40 and got out the house for 6:05, did five miles up Ashbourne and back. Very slow, am absolutely knackered at the moment it has to be said.
Thursday 13th Nov - EveningDid a solid session in the Gym at lunchtim. James was hogging the rower so did 12 minutes on exercise bike for some 130kcals. Then loads of weights. Which made up for not doing a full run in the morning I like to think.
Boat Multiplier I got a dirty big multiplier off Ebay for £12. Loaded up with 60lb line, it's a monster ! It's a Shakespeare Sigma something or other. Problem was it would only wind a couple of foot in and then jammed. Opened it up and there's a spring caught in the gears - not good. So pulled out the spring and it's fully functional again - good. Have a thought to use it off the rocks close in at Church Bay next year. With 60lb line on it snags should be much less of an issue.
Thursday 13th NovSame again, couldn't get out of bed. Gone six before I was up. Still went for a bit of a run though. Did three and a half again which is better than nowt. Did a solid session in Gym yesterday to make up and intend to do the same again today.
Wednesday 12th Nov Couldn't get out of bed again. Just gone six before I got downstairs. Anyway got dressed for running double quick as I thought could get the five miler in. Didn't count on absolute crap weather so went back in and did a bit of programming. Weather had improved a wee bit by 6:30 so ran up town fetched papers and then back home. On the clock in Jewitt's papershop it looked like it said 6:40 which seems insane - a mile and a half in ten minutes so I reckon their clock is wrong, any way certainly did three and a half miles in just over thirty minutes so it's the old thing of if running late you run quicker!! Lateness that's the future.
Tuesday 11th NovBlimey, don't go to Basingstoke it's bloomin miles away and it rains a lot. . got back gone 8 o'clock last night so not a lot of time to do owt when got home. Anyway, it's a new day. Did the 6.5 mile Okeover, Mappleton, Ashbourne, Clifton run - the new usual run. Pace was okay I think, must admit I'm not missing the edge as much as I thought I would and in some ways it makes the runs less pressure in that I'm not looking down and thinking "gotta go quicker, it's slower than 10 minute miles". Sod that, distance is king now and getting me little legs used to the miles is the main thing. 18 miles on the clock in three days, things are good.
Monday 10th NovCouldn't get out of bed early enough. Am off down to Basingstoke this morning so felt like I hadn't as much time so have only done 5 miles this morning. No idea of pace but felt a bit on the slow side. Not to worry. Have had naff-all beer over the weekend which is good but been experimenting with the bread-maker which is less good. Will see what the effect of all that is at weighin but will try and bump up the exercise levels a bit this week to offset the bread!
Sunday 9th NovWeekends? Relaxing? You're having a laugh . Got back from Slimming World's Awards last night at 12am, up early doors, running - 6 miler, no edge, round Mappleton, over to Darley pick up Lucy, over to Bakewell, Rugby practice and on and on it goes. There's no rest for the wicked.
The do last night was something else and just goes to show what Slimming World is all about, The Man of the Year winner had lost 25stones for heaven's sake! Two of the Woman of the Year finalists had lost in excess of 10 stones - double figure weight losses and I'm mucking about maintaining most weeks? Fool of a Took, I am.
Hey ho.