Been to Lumbards to fetch bike bits back from Ashbourne. As alluded to earlier in the week the Incognito aka slow and comfy bike has shot it but I had a couple of good years out of it I suppose. So am looking to treat myself come Christmas all being well. Don't tell the missus.
Golf very hit and miss unfortunately, hit some belting drives and got 7 pars overall including four on the trot on the back nine but only scored 26 points off a three quarter handicap stableford with about five blobs along the way so not sure what to make of it all.
Friday 16th October
Yay, no rain. Ran up town and back to start the day, didn't get to gym. It's been a grind all October so I though sod it and went to Aldi instead. Have got a base layer for running in the Winter. Am going to give it a go Sunday all being well.
Thursday 15th October
Rain again so gym again. Solid 50 minutes worth - rower and bike today.
Had a frenetic day (which I don't mind, don't get me wrong) then went to Janet Carey's group in Alfreton of which I'm a member. Only lost half a pound but that's took me to a half stone in about 5 weeks (with one non-attendance due to being in Guildford). Perhaps more realistic for me to aim for a stone by Christmas rather than two stones, am not committed enough really but at least I've not put any weight on in the few weeks I've been back. Feel like I'm letting Janet down a bit but my head's still not quite there, won't be long though am getting it back slowly.
Wednesday 14th October continued.
Did a 2 mile walk in the evening while England game on - couldn't see em losing so no need to watch!
Just been looking into my diary for November and have got to give a presentation to the Environmental Committee (I may have got their name slightly mucked up but such is life) on the Cycle2Work scheme. This is a government-backed scheme which encourages employers to offer a sort of cycle hire service in which both employee and employer get tax breaks on purchase of a bike and safety gear. If my bid is successful I've got my eyes on the Giant Roam 2 (pic below - click on it for a bigger image) which is like a hybrid with 700c wheels with wideish tyres but front suspension too to make it a bit comfier. We'll see how successful my presentation is. Am already canvassing folks who I think might be interested. We'll see!!
Wednesday 14th October
Raining when I got up so into gym first thing. That's better. 45 minutes, treadmill, rower, bike, shower. Good. Just been contacted by one of SW's top Consultants Ursula who has come across my blog in setting up her own - check it out at you will rarely come across someone as positive and empathetic as Ursula - she's very good indeed as thousand of successful slimmers in St Neots will testify.
Tuesday 13th October
2.5 miles up town and back again, running a bit better, right knee was giving me a bit of jip but seemed fine today. Went 2 mile walk in the evening which was okay as had another It Bites album arrive off of Ebay to listen to.
Monday 12th October
Ran up town and back to start the day off. Got to work and have left most of my notes at home. Bugger. Walked up golf course in the evening and it was gorgeous, went dark quick though.
Sunday 11th October
Not done much really - got up at 5:45am to take Phil to work again. On a Sunday!!! Glossed skirting board in bathroom, regripped a set of irons with sharpro multi-compound grips I got off Ebay for £16! Wrote up minutes from a meeting on Thursday. Did nine holes before it went dark and played much better.
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